Friday, 19 October 2012

Demon Days.

Described by Damon Albarn as being inspired by a trip through Asia, where:

"It was basically dead trees as far as the eye can see. Dust bowls, loose earth rapidly turning into desert. There are little satelite towns in the middle of these semi deserts that are absolutely on their knees. And it's the size of Europe this area. And then you wake up in the morning with this nightmare in your head and it's blue sky and beautiful sand, which looks fantastic now but was probably something else millions of years ago. And that will happen to us in our lifetime."
the album is a beautiful metaphor for TEOTWAWKI.
The intro is a hectic conglomeration of sound and audio assault, fading quickly into Last Living Souls. It continues on in a weird journey through a post-apocalyptic dream, segueing wonderfully through a series of smooth a abrupt transitions. Most poignant are the tracks; "O Green World", In which 2D (Albarn) beseeches the world not to abandon him; El Manana (also a single with a beautiful Video), meaning "Tomorrow" in Spanish depicts bleak emotion backed by a choppy bass line; and Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head, which depicts a small society ravaged by government/army types saturated with greed.

I apologise for the randomness of this post, and the amount of time between it and the album having been released, but I believe it well worth a (re)listen., and I just had the urge to share.
Regular, non-random, posting will commence Monday.

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